Friday, June 08, 2012

The End

Hello online community. This blog was founded to promote critical thinking concerning political issues, and try to raise awareness of certain troubling trends and developments regarding our freedoms as Americans.

Any reasonable inquiry into the subject, however, will result in the inevitable conclusion that Americans no longer have freedom. We are simply permitted to live our lives in a more or less self-directed fashion until the government or one of its many extensions takes an interest, and at that point your freedoms are revealed for what they are, merely the result of the government not having the resources to bother with those who are not causing them any trouble. Should they decide you are worth an investigation, you will quickly find that the rights you thought you had do not exist. Should you take steps to defend them, be advised that domestic terrorists can now be held indefinitely on suspicion alone without the need for evidence, and be tried by military courts. That is not a conspiracy theory; those provisions were bundled into spending bills over the past few years, and the information is publicly available.

The constitution had long been viewed as a "living document" before now, able to be reinterpreted as necessary; today it is simply irrelevant. This is not primarily the result of government conspiracies, this is primarily the result of the American people no longer valuing their freedom, or keeping a hold on the reigns of their government. They have traded freedom for prosperity, then security, both promised by the government. It is obvious now that the government did not create the prosperity, does not know how to maintain it, and cannot now help us out of our recession. The same is likely true of security, though the millions of rounds of ammo being purchased by the department of homeland security, and thousands of drones being purchased by police departments, suggest that the government does intend to keep itself secure, at the least. (these again are matters of public record)

In short, Americans (though the term now merely describes a varied set of subcultures, often opposed to one another, usually but not necessarily actual citizens of this country) have given up their freedoms voluntarily, not realizing their value or the price required to get them back. This is a price most people are not now willing to pay anyway; times have changed since the days of wars of ideals.

The die has been cast; the election of President Obama, a man with little governing experience and openly stated ideas and policies which run contrary to those on which this nation was founded, was not the cause of our nation's problems but merely a symptom of them. Were the American people informed about the principles of their government and anxious to keep their liberty secure, he would not even have been a candidate.

All this is to say, that the purpose for which this blog was begun no longer exists. Crying foul at random examples of the government overstepping its bounds or blundering in economic policy at this stage of the game is like raising questions about the veracity of the crocodile's sympathetic tears as it has already begun to drag you under the water.
I suggest, dear reader, that you take whatever steps you feel are prudent to protect yourself and your family from the civil unrest which is fully expected and currently being prepared for by the Department of Homeland Security. There are currently too many groups in America with conflicting interests, and once the prosperity which kept people willing to live in relative peace with one another erodes further, order will begin to break down in certain areas. Again, this is not my own theory, this is what the DHS has predicted and is taking steps to protect government interests from, while they take great liberties with your physical person in every major airport in the nation. Any sort of widescale unrest and even the more unperceptive among us can anticipate the sort of lockdown measures that will take place. Recognize that this is coming and take a few practical measures, that is the best you can do.

What those measures should be you may decide for yourself; this is not a survivalist blog, and this author does not foresee total societal breakdown, merely social unrest leading inevitably to violence which will provide the government with all the reason they need to ratchet control up a few notches. Just until things settle down, you understand. By that point even the most couch-bound politically apathetic among us may peer out into the darkened streets and at the drones watching in the sky and feel that this is somehow not the America they once knew, but the process will also be far too gone for them to do anything about.

Where all this will lead, none can say. Perhaps future events external to our nation will radically change the situation, like another World War or a global economic meltdown, or perhaps we will settle into some kind of equilibrium, not free but not totalitarian, with enough bread and circuses to keep the masses more or less satisfied. Certainly, wherever there are those who value freedom above all else, and also understand that it can only be retained by morally strong people who take responsibility for their own lives, there is hope that such marvelous experiments in freedom as the USA has been will flourish, though perhaps never again on so grand a scale.

May you be well, and may you find such freedom and peace in your own lives as you can.

Remember that true freedom and peace are not found in this world, but have as their source the Creator who bestowed them upon us, and though the Cross were purchased that all might have access to them through faith in the Bestower. God has blessed America greatly, and if He is now ceasing to do so on a national level may He then at least, as per Abraham's plea for Sodom, spare her destruction for the sake of those righteous who still dwell within.

Wale, Amici
