Thursday, December 13, 2007

Liberals Being Fiscally Responsible (aka Fiscally Conservative?)

I am watching the Democratic debate in Iowa (I watched the Republican one yesterday, so I thought that it's only fair that I waste another hour and a half of my life on the rest of the liars.)

Right now, the Dem-wits are talking about how democrats make The US more fiscally responsible ("Take a look at the nineties!" <--if I had a dollar for every reference to the nineties Hitlery makes...). How do they do this?
The ideas suggested so far:
-Increase taxes on the wealthy
-Look at the nineties
-Create tax cuts for big businesses
-Take the troops out of Iraq
-Look at the nineties!!!
-Military reductions
-Stop letting the Iraq war drain our military!!!
-We've gotta grow! Let's make the middle class bigger.
-Obama: "Put money back into the pockets of hard workers" (aka-- Medicare programs, Socialized Medical care etc...)
-Reforming Medicare
-Give Medicare the right to negotiate lower drug costs for companies (aka allow Big Brother to take over Medical companies)
-Check the nineties. Yep. That was my husband. I'm going to use the same policies!
-Check my proposed Socialized Medicine. It's a right for every human. Free health care. (...)
-We're overpaying HMOs!!!
-Modernize system! (how vague)
-You gotta act!! (Not vague at all. Thanks, Biden.)
-Take the money from my crack dealer. He could save a few lives. --Obama. No, he really didn't say was fun.
-We spent $xx million on cancer! That's two months of the Iraq war. That shows how misguided and misplaced our priorities are!! (...did he just say that??)

Um..How about we get rid of House Speaker Pelosi? Who has spent ~$16,000 on flowers and ~$3million to move her office (and for the nine months she has been in office (compared to Hastert's 1.8 million(which is still a lot to me, but what do I know?)))
Fiscally responsible?! No, I think not.
(Pelosi hasn't even changed the curtains like she promised...I guess that's why her approval ratings are at 22% (lower than Bush's).

(I posted this and reread it and came back to say:
FLOWERS!!!!!!!!! 16000!!!!!!!! ON FLOWERS?!!!!)
I think we could save a few...umm...million if we get rid of the Congressional pension. Politics was NEVER meant to be a profession. Let's stop paying them for the rest of their lives. (all of them. Not just the democrats)
Instead of letting them sit up in their offices and in the Capitol without accountability, let's elect people who actually care.
Oh. No one like that is running? Shame.

Why would this moderator ask these idiots so many money questions?

...and did anyone else catch Hillary say "WHEN I'm president..." ???
I think my heart stopped briefly...

(and..go Huckabee!)

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