Saturday, February 14, 2009

Sometimes you get what you ask for

"The burning heavens reflected in a mud puddle."

This is a little-known, seldom-quoted, and less-than-complimentary description applied to a well-known leader. In a turbulent time, having entered a deep economic depression, a great nation turned to one man who seemed to have a plan to change it all and give them hope. Leaning socialist, he promised to take money away from those who had selfishly hoarded it and give it to the people who deserved it, to restore justice and economic stability. While he himself was not very experienced in politics, he began to gather an intensely loyal following, largely due to his fluent and persuasive speeches, and soon despite opposition from the political establishment he was brought to power by a massive public movement.
Naturally, I think we all know who I am referring to.

This past November, millions of Americans poured into voting booths, some for the first time in their lives, to elect an ideal. With boundless enthusiasm, even tears, they affirmed the rise of the man who would accomplish all their dreams.

Well, change has come. As our economy plummets, some of the most unqualified (financially speaking) leaders in American history have thrown together a massive, bloated piece of legislation. Containing everything from abortion incentives and the establishment of state-sponsored and mandated euthanasia to billions of dollars wasted on meaningless trivialities, this bill ushers in an entirely new era in American history. Avowed economic socialists confidently state that the free market has failed, and push more and more government intervention as the only reasonable way to keep the markets in check.

Of course, this is bald-faced hypocrisy, considering government legislation required loans to be given to unqualified applicants as a sort of proxy welfare. Congressional hearings lambasted the greedy corporations that caused this crisis, while blithely ignoring the fact that they themselves were largely responsible.

To paraphrase a famous quote, our government is like someone who breaks your legs, then offers to sell you crutches and says "See? If it weren't for us, you wouldn't be able to walk."

And of course, all this is using your money. The money you have worked to earn.
But as we have previously shown [Nov 20, 2008 "Ownership"], some liberals outrightly deny that it is your money. It's rather like a married man feeling himself generous for offering to sell his wife a piece of the pie she made for him. Absurdity, to say the least, but that is what they feed us, and expect us to like it.

But millions and millions of Americans have shown a remarkable ability to stomach that, provided that they are able to continue in the lifestyle to which they have become accustomed.

The problem is that falsehood is always eventually self-destructive. That which opposes reality, economically or otherwise, will eventually show its true colors by seeking to remove itself from reality. One can easily make the next logical step: socialism leads to nihilism.

If you are inclined to immediately dismiss this, go look at Europe. The nations that have most fully embraced socialism are those whose cultures are in the most severe jeopardy.
In fact, some of those cultures may never recover.

The West is facing an identity crisis, which the financial crisis is now bringing to a head.

But those European nations which are now struggling to maintain any shred of their traditional identities in the face of a changing world are finding that sounding the depths of post-modern pluralism, humanism, and socialism has been not progress, but poison.

Liberals in America for generations have held up these exact values as the continuation of the Enlightenment principles (i.e., Secular Humanism) that they claim legitimacy based upon.
Now, they have finally attained critical mass. The experiment already shown to be failed is still touted by them as the final solution.

Every time liberal principles, economic or otherwise, have been attemped in America, they have failed. This is a matter of public record. However, those who continue to push them would have us believe that the problem has always been that we have not gone far enough.
(a little cyanide will hurt you, but downing it all will cure you)

Now, millions of Americans have spoken. We will drain the cup to the dregs.

If anything of America remains after that draught, maybe they will have learned the bitter lesson. Or maybe not.

And in case you didn't catch on, the individual I described at the beginning was Adolph Hitler.



Mrs. Scrimp said...

The problem, of course, is that it's too late.

Which just leaves us with the question of what is to be done. The repetition of past history indicates that we are going steadily and seriously downhill, and that it will only get worse.

Anonymous said...

I contend it is never too late to learn something from other people's ...short-comings. Perhaps the liberal mentality states that all people should be equally recognized and 'sameness' should be the norm regardless of gender, race, sexual orientation, and so on, fail to see that was exactly what Hitler was going about doing in a slightly different manner. He just wanted everybody to be the same, after all. He just couldn't see how the world could possibly get along if everyone was different. So he set out to make them so. If there is not social order/hierarchy, there is no humanity. Can the secular humanists and hard-nosed socialists in this country NOT SEE that is what they are creating?

Dumb: fail to learn from your own mistakes

Smart: Learn from your own mistakes

Wise: Learn from others mistakes & successes

What does THIS country fall under?

Anonymous said...

This is why I mentioned that liberalism is inherently nihilistic, Jon. Whether or not they see what they are creating, they are dead set on bringing it about.

You forgot one category:

Insanity: Intentionally repeating the same mistakes (even more vehemently) and expecting them to have a different result next time.

Sadly, I think that's where our country is right now.
