Wednesday, October 07, 2009

September 11th, 2008?

It is possible that, on September 11th, 2008, at 11AM, our nation's financial system was attacked and almost destroyed.

This is not a shock claim, or the contrived theory of a few fringe lunatics, this is a fact. On a morning in September, $550 billion suddenly began to be electronically extracted from our nations money markets. This could have led to a total collapse of the system had it not been quickly shut down.

But don't take my word for it. Representative Kanjorksi from Pennsylvania has the facts. He starts talking about it around 2:00. Listen carefully.

The collapse of the US economy and the end of our political system as we know it?

His words, not mine. If I am understanding him correctly, they were briefed on the 15th, and the attacks took place the preceding Thursday. He said 11AM. That means the massive withdrawal started on September 11th, 2008, 11AM. Within a few minutes of the exact moment of the 7th anniversary of the planes hitting the towers in NYC.

Why has this information not been made more public? I don't know, but the knowledge makes me uneasy. The sudden, urgently needed bailouts, the subsequent shock to the world's financial system, the major shifts in our national economy, the government acquisition of large portions of the financial infrastructure and automotive industry, now the call to shift away from the US Dollar and stop using it for oil transactions, all this resulted from the sudden withdrawals on that day.

This is not even new information. It came out this past February, as best I can tell. Did you know? I didn't. But now you know too. And it doesn't take a genius to realize that something's seriously wrong here.


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