Monday, August 28, 2006

The UNmen

Well, if anyone had any questions about the UN's objectivity, this should pretty much settle it:
They don't have any. If given the chance, they will side with terrorists and third world dictators (being primarily composed of such) at every opportunity.

Someone pointed out to me that this violates the UN's own statues. And indeed it does, clearly aiding and abetting a terrorist organization who hides behind civilians (and boasts of this fact) while targeting civilians and militia indiscriminately with homegrown and Tehramascus-supplied rockets.

As if the UN cares about their own statutes...
An interesting characteristic of the UN is that they're incredibly corrupt, ineffective, and biased, but they don't seem to care about even appearing useful in any way. Most international governing bodies attempt to preserve at least some sort of legitimacy, but the UN just doesn't seem to want to bother with unnecessary trifles such as promoting the ideals they clame to support.

Atrocities commited by UN 'peacekeepers' in the Belgian Congo?
Contracts manipulated so Kofi's son can receive illegal payouts?
And now feeding restricted information to Hezbollah?
Eh, they shrug. And propose a global tax so they can have more money to waste.
Repeat, ad inifinitum et ad nauseum.

Why are they still in New York? A city still rebuilding the wreckage of 9-11 is no place for an organization that provides military intelligence to terrorist organizations.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Don't steal my Karr! Er...

Ok...So what was Mr. Karr doing in Thailand that he wants out so badly?
Let's think about this...
Thailand. Sex trade capitol of the world..
And he was there discussing a sex change too.
It makes me think that he did something in Thailand that would be so much worse than claiming he murdered a little girl model (and if he did..well I'll get to that in a second) and getting off for it.
The laws over there are so different..and if he did something worth major punishment--the best he can do for himself is to claim he killed the girl to get sent back home.
Where he will plead "not-guilty" or some form of insanity and get off.

Let's take a look at this man's past, shall we?
He married a THIRTEEN year old girl.
First of all, I don't see how any parent would sign off for their thirteen year old CHILD to marry a grown man--with major child porn problems.
Then, said thirteen year old girl got too old for him, they got divorced.
He marries a SIXTEEN year old. -_-
Between those two, he has three children..

And somewhere in there (Whitney theory, here)
JonBennet happened. If--IF--he did kill her..she was probably in line for his next twisted sicksick --I'll not go there--stuff.

But, Mr. Karr, what did you do in Thailand that you wanted out of there so badly?

Monday, August 07, 2006

Note: Baked Alaska contains no Alaska

Well, you may be aware that Alaska's largest oil field has been shut down, for an as-of-yet unknown period of time. The implications of this have not yet been fully realized, except that apparently BP has made enough money over the past year that they can afford to stop producing a large portion of their raw materials, heh. (just kidding. Or am I?) [update, the field only needed to be partially shut down in order to perform the maintenance, not totally, as BP had thought]

The sad part is that we should already have another functioning oil field in Alaska, producing its fair share of the nation's crude. Why don't we? I hate to use the cliche, but I'm afraid in this case the answer actually does seem to be Democrats In Congress, so I have little choice.

An acquaintance of mine once posted a blog saying that she wants to visit Alaska before it turns into a giant oil field. This prompted me to do a bit of math. I will reproduce my results here. Please bear with me, or skip to the part where I explain the significance of these numbers.

Area of the State of Alaska: 1,717,854 sq. km

Area of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge: 79,318 sq. km

Thus, the percentage of the State occupied by ANWR is: 4.61%

Area of the region being researched for petroleum: 6,707 sq. km

Thus, the percentage of ANWR being investigated for possible exploitation is: 8.45%

Therefore, the percentage of Alaska that is being investigated for development is: 0.39%

This is a tiny percentage, but then Alaska is a huge state. So, we're still talking about
a fairly large area here.

So, let's see of that area under research, how much of it would be developed if oil companies were to go in and drill for oil. According to various sources (go look it up yourself if you don't believe me), the footprint would be approximately 8 sq. km.

So now we have the following numbers:

The percentage of the exploration area that would be developed would be: 0.12%

So, the percentage of ANWR covered is: 0.0101%

And the percentage of Alaska covered is: .000464%

Now, to put it all into perspective.
Take a normal sheet of printing paper (assume 8.5"x11"), and pretend it represents Alaska.
Now, relative to this sheet of paper, the area that would be consumed (assuming it would all be consumed) is... .000434 sq. inches
Or, .011 sq. mm, if you prefer.

For comparison, the area of the end of piece of new lead for a 1mm mechanical pencil is .785 sq. mm. So, the dot of a pencil on that piece of paper is 71 times larger than the footprint the oil fields would have in Alaska.

Try it.

In exchange, note that hundreds of thousands of jobs would be created, and our nation's domestic oil production would rise by 25%. One source* estimates that our trade deficit could be reduced by 14 billion dollars per year. That's $14,000,000,000 by the way.

Now, put that dot on the piece of paper, and make it 71 times smaller.
And in doing so, save billions of dollars, reduce our dependency on the whims of the People's President Hugo Chavez and Iran's Elected Jihader in Chief Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and drop gas prices to boot.

Worth it?

*The source was arguing in favor of drilling, just to keep the record straight.
You can accuse this figure of being inflated, but to be fair you must also investigate
opposing claims which are deflated. Say the number is only half that,
that's still 7 billion dollars, plus the other benefits. Worth it?

Friday, August 04, 2006

Big Willy...but not according to Monica.

Ok, for my first rantativity blog, I have chosen a subject that we all have learned to deal with.
Not quite appreciate--although some actually do.

Mr. William Rodham-Clinton.
(Because Hilary is probably just as masculine, and in her feminine standpoints on many issues, it would just be unfair not to hyphenate Willy's last name.)
And of course, the "Mister" because "President" should probably be shortened down to "resident"..he was more of an occupant than an actual leader.

Before you think I've gone Ann Coulter on you and start attacking the person (well, thing)--as deserving and as fun as it is...let's get to the meat of the issue...I don't want to get all over Clinton more than Monica was.

Oh joy!

"Middle East Crisis".
Even better.

Chinese economic threats.

What do these have in common?
Resident Clinton.

First things first.
Liberals always suprise me with how defensive they are over this former Resident.
The very first ones to attack Dubya are the first to claim Clinton as their "hero".
(They hate Bush because of jobs moving to other countries, the "lack of response" to outside threats, "too much response" to threats that were never threats, his habit of eavesdropping on important terrorist phone calls, and my favorite "this would've never happened if I, John 'Botox' Kerry, had been elected!")

Yes, if Kerry had been elected, we'd probably all be wearing berets and waving big white flags and sending the French and Swiss peace offerings. -_-

But back to the "loss of jobs" that is all Dubya's fault. *whine*
Did NAFTA not give the opportunity to open our jobs to other countries?
We're losing thousands, if not millions of jobs to Mexico, and even Canada.
(someone explain Canada to me..everything's much more expensive up there. And cold. And I've never quite understood the appeal of a burly man in a strange outfit riding a horse)

But wait...NAFTA...drafted, agreed, signed, year what?
Hmm...What year was it, Mr. Rodham?
What? Dubya brainwashed you? He made you do it?!
Right. I mean...left. You poor liberal thing, you.
Where is Dubya?
I wanna smack him so hard that it puts a wrinkle in that suit of his--that probably belonged to his daddy!

NAFTA is probably the only thing Clinton did right during his residency.
Too bad it wasn't right for the US.

Actually, NAFTA was the only thing he did during his residency..

Oh wait, there was that whole ignoring of the aggression in the middle east. Still nothing.
No argument here.
Yeah...he was too busy giving nicknames to a certain office.
Let's bomb an Aspirin plant?
Where was your plan there?
" Huh, let's bomb that Aspirin factory with some cruise missiles. We'll show 'em who's boss. See if their headaches start feeling better!"

(I find the Aspirin/cruise missile thing to be rather ironic. Cruise. Tom Cruise. Aspirin. BAH! Tom Cruise and his scientology...we'll get into that another time)

What was he thinking?
Oh yeah, nicknames. Office. Gotcha.

Well, what's done is done.
The nineties--may they rest in peace--are forever disgraced with the United States' lack of leadership, morality, and good music.

And before you think you've gotten off without a Ted Kennedy stab...
You haven't. Ted coming soon. (Is he allowed this far south?)

But basically...a lot of the crap that's happening right now is mainly the big guy of the nineties. (Well, not really according to Monica...but...we'll not go there.)

First hot tip - Painfully obvious to no one

I received this information from an extremely trustworthy source recently in-country in Venezuela. Some of the native tribes are being drafted into forced labor to mine Uranium.
Guess where the Uranium is going? That's right, Iran.

It has become painfully obvious that Iran has discovered just how weak the UN is when swift and forceful action is required, and is exploiting this to the best of their abilities. Meanwhile the UN drafts preliminary resolutions and demands answers by an unspecified date, with the specifier of "weeks, not months". (which was summarily ignored by Tehran, of course)

One thing that's interesting is how willing Pres. Ahmadinejad is to say exactly what the rest of the Muslim community in the Middle East -or to be generous, the radical elements thereof- have been thinking for decades. When he calls for the elimination of the nation of Israel, or denies that the Holocaust occured, he is not merely voicing the inane opinions of a crazed autocrat.
He is reiterating the same goals and revisionist history that Palestinian terrorists and other organizations such as Hizbollah (this seems to be the most popular spelling lately) have been spouting for years.

The West has ignored and dismissed these claims, since from our own materialistic secular mindsets, surely the only real objectives any terrorists have are power and wealth.
They can't really be suggesting that they have religious reasons for wanting to eliminate an entire race of people, can they? This sort of thing isn't done in the 21st century..

When will we realize that the goals that the Jihadists have been trumpeting after every suicide bombing and abduction are indeed, their real goals and the source of their fanatical motivation?

They do indeed want to kill every Jew, or at least those living in Israel. They won't stop when given slices of land, although they accept these gladly, just as the Nazis would have happily carved pieces out of France, had France offered them in WWII in exchange for a ceasefire.
The Nazis would haven taken the land, then broken the ceasefire. Funny, that sounds really similar to recent events involving Israel.

The moral of this analogy should be obvious, but somehow it is not.
The shocking part to me is that while I can understand the Neville Chamberlains of the world suggesting such a strategy of appeasement, I cannot understand why Israel would go along with it. Their actions in Lebanon, finally, may imply that they have rejected this strategy of suicide by attrition. But more on Lebanon later.


Wednesday, August 02, 2006

And so it begins...

The journey has begun...

In future days and weeks, I look forward to sharing with you some of my thoughts and opinions of current events, news stories, political issues, and ongoing societal trends.
Together, we will attempt to make sense of the seeming chaos of today's culture and happenings.
I hope this blog becomes a place to pick apart some of the underlying causes behind world events, and reflects back to the Truth behind what we see.

Deus Volit, it will.