Saturday, June 23, 2007

What I believe, exactly.

I consider my father to be the smartest person I've ever met--especially in political matters. I've often told him that he should have a talk show or write a book or run for something, to which he always responds with "They're not ready for someone like me. They'd run me out."
I'm sure quite a few of you have met him and agree with me. He is very analytical, which, I suppose, comes with being an Electrical Engineer (or just an engineer period, if you're a good one). My father has a way of explaining things to a point where you cannot disagree with him. And trust me, I don't. Not about politics. Ever.
This morning, my father and I had a very long detailed chat about everything from global warming and Al Gore's overwhelming hypocrisy to the $3,600 spa trip I discussed in a previous post. I love talking to him about politics. He is a libertarian, although he has not established himself with the party because as Dr. Bateman and my father repeatedly say "it is very dangerous to establish yourself with one party over the other." (They have an amazing explanation, but I am not very good at fully explaining it, so I will leave it to them to explain.)
And he's right. Republicans and Democrats both seem to be forming into each other. They've become the same, only separated by a few social issues, which, again, as my father says, aren't social issues just like murder is not a social issue.

In high school, I was definitely ultra conservative...and like many people, viewed myself as such just by my social issues. I hate to admit this, but I was in the environment that automatically aligned you with the GOP if you claimed Conservativity, as I did and still do, or as a Democrat if you claimed liberality.
All based on social issues.
What I have come to realize in my short time out of high school, call it maturity, or call it a real job with real taxes, but there is more to this whole political thing than so called "social issues."
I have found that I am VERY close to libertarian on an overwhelming majority of my views, but I will not claim the libertarian party because I do not 100% agree with all of their policies and "official" party stances. Just like I refuse to claim Republican anymore...and I've never claimed the Democrat-status, and never will.
I've said all this to lay out a few things that I believe--to separate me from any specific party.

I believe the government was established to provide for the common defense, build roads, and secure our borders. Nothing else.

I believe that Social Security should be privatized.

I believe that the government should reduce its size and not infringe upon anyone's beliefs, way of life, or happiness.

I believe we are taxed too much as a country.
I want the FairTax.

I believe the school system should be privatized. Get the government out of it. School should have to compete the same way I have to compete to keep my job in the future.

I also believe that utilities should be privatized.

I believe that marriage is sanctioned by religion, not the state. Marriage is an ideal created and established by religions: Christianity, Judaism, Islam..etc. All of these religions (to my knowledge) do not tolerate homosexuality (and don't you dare bring up the gay priests in Christianity. If you want to bring this up, do so on another blog and I shall respond there). Why would a homosexual want to be married by something that condemns their lifestyle?
However, I do believe that if they want to call themselves married, that is their prerogative. What happens in your bedroom is your business. Don't force it on me, and I will not force my religion on you. It's your life, do what you want with it. Everything is a choice.

I believe this country's biggest problem is personal responsibility.

I believe that the welfare system should be rewritten. Stop giving welfare recipients a check every time they reproduce; there will be less babies born in poverty, and less mouths to feed later down the road. Also, implement a time limit and set up a trade-school training program.

I do believe that abortion stops a beating heart. It is murder.
I do not believe that abortion should be implemented as a form of birth control. However, let me explain this the way my very wise father does: If someone is holding a gun to your head, threatening your life and you have the means to defend your life and kill them first, it is what the justice system refers to as "justifiable homicide." Just as a mother, after the doctor has determined the baby is a threat to the mother's life, should be allowed to decide whether to defend her life through justifiable homicide. If she decides to go ahead and have the baby, even though her life is in danger, that is her choice.

I believe that Hilary Clinton is not socialist or communist. She's fascist. (Look up the definitions, it's true)
She, and the rest of the democratic party, unlike socialists and communists, want there to be incentive for people to create more money to put in their own pockets.

I believe there should be term limits for the Congress and House. Being a "politician" was never meant to be a career.

I believe that there should be no governmental pension.

I believe that labor unions don't care about the worker, only the money.

I believe there are more problems than just "Liberal vs. Conservative" or "Red vs. Blue."
We have politicians that get away with drowning people in lakes, having oral sex in the oval office, not representing the people they are obligated to serve.

I believe that I am too conservative for the Republicans and too smart for the Democrats.

I think I may have hit a trigger with quite a few people, but hey. I'm allowed to.
It says so in that little unimportant document sitting behind glass casing in DC.
Unless, of course, Nancy Pelosi has decided to rid of that, too.

1 comment:

Jonathan A. said...

The real "red vs blue:"