Saturday, June 30, 2007


I'm so witty. *snort*
It was either THAT title or "The NEW and improved Rosie vs. Donald!"
I know that a lot of people jokingly refer to Ann as a man, but I don't think it would be fair to compare her or Ms. Edwards to Donald OR Rosie...

So. Ann Coulter, right?
Apparently, recently she made another comment about..what's his name? The one she referred to as a homosexual at CPAC (the conference I went to back in March)...Oh yeah, Edwards. I completely forgot that he existed.
Her books are really good reads--and provide a lot of entertainment, but I honestly don't respect most of the stuff that comes out of her mouth.
Before you read this blog the wrong way, I do not condone her comments at all. In fact, I believe that if she were a real representative of the Christian faith as she claims, most of the things she says would...well, not be said by her. I digress:

Well, Elizabeth Edwards called a TV show to attack Ann for her "politically debasing comments." (there's your first mistake. You DO NOT attack Ann Coulter unless you're just craving some eviscerating comments.)
Ann retorted with "I won't say anything else about John Edwards except that I wish he were killed by terrorists."
Elizabeth Edwards was quick to defend her husband (oh, what a man! Let's hide behind my wife that is fighting cancer...Meanie Ann Coulter wishing I were dead!). Ms. PresidentWannaBe said:
"John's campaign is about the issues — but pundits like Ann Coulter are trying to shout him down. If they will not stop, it is up to us cut through the noise. Help us fight back — please give what you can today." (sounds like a fund raising opportunity. Just like a demon-crat) **note: I accidentally pressed the "n" key whilst I was typing that, smirked and just left it there to continue with the word**
"The things she has said over the years, not just about John but about other candidates, lowers the political dialogue at precisely the time we need to raise it."

I agree with her about raising the dialogue. But, if she wants to be FAAAAIRRRRR(!), she should also be pointing out Bill Maher's comment about the Mr. Vice President Cheney ( something to the effect of "If Dick Cheney had been killed in a car bomb in the middle east, people wouldn't be dying needlessly in Iraq.")
What? You didn't hear about that? Oh. Yeah..I forgot. Between trying to find the story about the NY airport terrorists on page 37 in the "Times" and Nancy Pelosi pushing a bill through that allows those people in DC to take their family on a free vacation whenever they're traveling on "business" (AKA--tax payer's paying for them to do "delegations" with a five star hotel and complimentary sight seeing). You didn't hear about that either?! Oh...What about Nancy Pelosi abusing her role as third-in-line (*shudders*) to try to silence the minority (AKA the conservative vote--or as close to "conservative" as you can get in the GOP these days) to make her job easier. No? Not that either?

(I should change my major to Journalism and Poli.Sci. Don't think I haven't thought about it. The world has too many corporate lawyers anyway.)

I digress again.

"It debases political dialogue," Edwards said. "It drives people away from the process. We can't have a debate about issues if you're using this kind of language." (!!!!)

So, Mr. Edwards, you can come out from behind your wife now. Let's HEAR your little platform, and then we'll shoot down anyone that disagrees with you or says something bad about you. No worries, we'll ALL play nice! What issues do you support?
What's that, Mr. Edwards? No platform?! And no, I wasn't talking about issues of magazines. Take your time on that, Mr. Edwards. It's not like the American people care. As long as you slap "Democrat" to your resume and say something about raising taxes to feed the poor and illegal immigrants, you don't NEED a platform.

So, let's look at a few things Mr. Edwards has said, shall we?

"Working people have been shut out by this president because he values
only one thing: wealth."
John Edwards
Wait...who is being shut out?
The last time I checked, a majority of working people are conservatives--that don't like paying more taxes, enjoy freedom, and don't appreciate people like Nancy Pelosi taking her spawn with her to France to compare her sunburt armpits with the French people (We call these "Surrender Conferences").
It is the DEMOCRATS that care about wealth. They RAISE the taxes and then RAISE their paychecks.
The last time I checked, Bush was the one that CUT taxes. Not increasing his own wealth.
If you want to talk about wealth, aren't you a fairly wealthy person? If you weren't so concerned about it, sell your multi-million dollar mansion and give that money to the government so they can keep 70% of it and give 25% to the poor. The other five percent is just "MIA."
It is Nancy Pelosi that shuts these working people out of the government and makes sure the non-tax payers more "say so" in the soon-to-be dictatorship.

"They [Bush and Cheney] have led us from the edge of greatness when Bill Clinton left office
to the edge of a cliff."
John Edwards
Now. That's just too easy.
Sorry, Mr. Edwards. You're an idiot.
Futhermore, you're ignorant.
Go buy yourself a brain and a book on the Nineties.
I think that "cliff" was created when Clinton signed NAFTA....created MLOA, ADA, and FMLA policies (and as a business major, I've had to work a lot with these policies, and let me tell you, it proves how hypocritical Al Gore is even further: there is so much paperwork involved, I think I have already killed a small rainforest on just the FMLA, ADA, and MLOA paperwork)
And let us not forget that your exalted hero's form of vengeance was to bomb an aspirin factory. No wonder they're angry with us in the middle east.

"George Bush has a health care plan - pray you don't get sick."
John Edwards
No. No. No.
I pray that if your little Socialized Medicine thing gets passed, I have enough money to fly to Europe to get treatment.
(Someone I know asked someone they know from Canada if their Socialized Medicine thing works/is good and they replied "Oh yeah! It's great if you can afford to go to the U.S. for treatment!")

"The issue becomes whether you believe health care is an isolated problem.
For those in poverty and the struggling middle class, if one thing goes wrong
- if they have a health care problem - they go right off the cliff."
John Edwards
The same cliff that the Republicans sent the entire country over after Clinton left office?
If the US gets Socialized Health Care, they better pray they don't go right off a cliff and get hurt or they won't be able to afford health care period. Especially if they have to rely on the government to pick their health care provider...or travel out of the country to get open heart surgery (or some other surgery that can't wait for the demoncrats (I'm using it now) to decide if it's worth it.

"[There's] one America that does the work, another America that reaps
the reward. One America that pays the taxes, another America that
gets the tax breaks."
John Edwards
Yeah. Like Illegal immigrants that don't pay taxes but are somehow qualified for Medicare/Medicaid or WIC for their children.
Does he not know that (these percentages may be off slightly, but I don't feel like looking it up, do it yourself) 90% of taxes is paid by the 5% "wealthy" while the people who don't pay taxes PERIOD are reaping the benefits? If that's what he's referring to, he's right.
If you pay taxes, you'll get your "tax cut" back. If you don't, you won't get anything. Geez. How dumb do you have to be to not get that?

If Edwards happened to be killed in a terrorist plot, would anyone notice anyway?I know that is incredibly insensitive to say, but really, people.


Sensei said...
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Sensei said...

In one of Edwards' silver-tongued arguments to the jury on behalf of a girl born with cerebral palsy, he claimed he was channeling the unborn baby girl, Jennifer Campbell, who was speaking to the jurors through him:

"She said at 3, 'I'm fine.' She said at 4, 'I'm having a little trouble, but I'm doing OK.' Five, she said, 'I'm having problems.' At 5:30, she said, 'I need out."'

"She speaks to you through me and I have to tell you right now -- I didn't plan to talk about this -- right now I feel her. I feel her presence. She's inside me, and she's talking to you."

-John Edwards