Monday, January 26, 2009

A Modest Proposal

The woman second in line of succession from the president has a brave new plan for boosting the economy: kill more infants.

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi boldly defended a move to add birth control funding to the new economic "stimulus" package, claiming "contraception will reduce costs to the states and to the federal government."

In this video link, Pelosi repeatedly uses the term "reduce costs" when referring to killing off the future generation, whose lives apparently do not justify the cost necessary to raise them.

Yes, by all means. Kill off more of the future generation of workers, in order to achieve prosperity. Let us consider this for a moment.

Suppose we grant, for the sake of argument, that this could guarantee an economic upswing in the way that Pelosi describes. There is good Biblical precedent for this. In Old Testament times, the Hebrews were repeatedly commanded not to follow in the ways of the nations around them, or to worship their gods. One of these false gods was called Molech (among other similar names). A common practice of the time was to sacrifice a child by passing it through fire. Accounts differ as to whether the child was burned completely or only severely injured; some Roman accounts of similar practices indicate the children were incinerated while music was played loudly to drown out their cries. This was done for various reasons, the most common of which was to guarantee blessings of prosperity for the coming year.

Evidently, this practice is coming back into fashion.

Setting aside the unthinkable barbarity of this approach, it is simply and utterly ignorant.
Killing off your future work force does not decrease costs in the short term (the majority of educational and other costs Pelosi mentions would not come into play for a few years) and would put a damper on the economy in the future, as the population continues to age and increasingly fewer people enter the workforce. (having been murdered prenatally) Every abortion now only increases the increasingly warped ratio of nonproductive to productive citizens in the future.
Logically speaking, they should be encouraging everyone to have -more- children.

And the fact that Pelosi has 5 children of her own also introduces a staggering hypocrisy:
I've had mine, let the masses kill off their own spawn.

I have an even better idea. Since retired people have already contributed their working years to the government, why not kill them off instead? Their productive years are behind them, so you don't lose those, you eliminate the massive strain on the healthcare system as the baby boomers age, and you can take back most of the money they saved through inheritance taxes too, so really everyone wins. Well, except the people who have to die, but who are they to stand in the way of our standard of living?

God help us.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, yeah, this'll stimulate the economy. Just think of all the new abortion supplies that'll have to be bought, the additional doctors and nurses that'll have to be hired.
Yup, this'll dig us out of the recession.
And just think of all the money that'll be saved without the additional mouths to feed and people to cloth. I know my life would have been much fuller without me having to buy braces for my kids.
Wait, NOT paying for these things will help the economy how? Oh, yeah, instead of spending money on my kids I get to spend it on ME!

These are evil, evil people who will have much to answer for one day.