Friday, October 17, 2008


As we near that day of significance, when millions of Americans will go cast their ballot for bad or worse, it would befit us to ponder the future. On the one hand, we have a candidate who claims that he will 'change the world'. On the other, we have a candidate who is accused of being merely a continuation of the previous administration.

Perhaps we should ask ourselves: With all this talk of change, what exactly about our government suggests that they are to any extent capable of -improvement-? Indeed, change seems to happen regardless of promises; illegal migrants change into potential citizens, budget surpluses change into bloated and failing stimulus packages stolen from our own bank accounts, freedom changes into faux security and increased surveillance, and the list goes on. Clearly, our government is quite good at change already. Do we really want more change from them?

Perhaps it's time for us to be the effectors of change in this equation. Let's change the congressmen who voted for the illegal bailout with a side of pork. Let's change the national debate from ignorant, fear-based blathering to asking why no new oil refineries or nuclear power plants have been built in the last 30 years. Let's change from being sheep into being human beings, with brains and sense and character.

It may be too late to change the course of our nation, as it sags to earth like a latter-day Hindenburg, laden with incomprehensibly burdensome debt and regulation. But if anything can, it is individual Americans uniting together to solve the problems of this country. And let us not forget to list our government, ever eager to offer self-serving solutions to self-generated problems, in a prominent place among them.


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