Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Change Indeed

Having just finished watching the election coverage, I have a variety of thoughts, which I will allow to cool and coalesce before I actually write them down. At the moment, suffice to say that we are in for an interesting few years. Hopefully as uninteresting as possible, but clearly Obama has been given what is generally termed a mandate; we will see what he does with it.

However, that was not the change to which I was referring. There will be plenty to be said about that later. At the moment I would like to announce I am actually finally getting serious about this blog, and thus the level of posting in here should increase dramatically in the days ahead. (the posting of articles, that is. I can't say anything about whether we will actually obtain commenting readers, that is up to whomever wanders in and decides to check back occasionally!)

Here's to the days ahead. It will surely be an interesting ride.


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