Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Support Your Cause (Unless We Don't Like It)

It seems that financially supporting a cause is now a bad thing. In related news: Logic was recently hospitalized.

I propose that an ad like this would not be made if it were about any other religious/social group. Imagine the outcry if it were "Stop Muslims from taking over our government" or "Stop homosexuals from taking over our government." Both groups financially support political and social causes. A group certainly paid money promote the view presented in the advertisement above. How much money did groups opposing Proposition 8 spend in advertising, and were they attempting to take over the government? How can anyone take seriously a group spending money to complain that another group is spending money to counter the money they've been spending? I wonder if they even see that their own logic plays out against them, or that their argument is bigoted.

Then again, I really hope this ad was a joke.

1 comment:

Sensei said...

I am still wondering where they found those snarky Mormons...

I do tend to be interested when two groups who are not supposed to be criticized for political-correctness' sake go at each other.
In this case, homosexuals taking on the Mormon church might not be such a good idea for them.

I am leaning towards the joke side, surely this cannot be serious.