Thursday, April 30, 2009

Does Biden have brain flu?

We knew there was a reason we hadn't seen Biden since the election:
He might actually say something, and that might be made public.

In this case, our most highly esteemed Vice President has blundered by suggesting that public transportation is now unsafe for Americans.

"I would tell members of my family, and I have, I wouldn't go anywhere in confined places now. It's not that it's going to Mexico, it's you're in a confined aircraft when one person sneezes it goes all the way through the aircraft. That's me. I would not be, at this point, if they had another way of transportation suggesting they ride the subway. "

Panic! Panic! The White House is now recommending that public transportation be avoided!

However, we here at MC would like to reassure our readers. The Vice President's words should not, under any circumstances, be taken at face value. What he really meant to say was this:

“On the Today Show this morning, the vice president was asked what he would tell a family member who was considering air travel to Mexico this week. The advice he is giving family members is the same advice the administration is giving to all Americans: that they should avoid unnecessary air travel to and from Mexico. If they are sick, they should avoid airplanes and other confined public spaces, such as subways. This is the advice the vice president has given family members who are traveling by commercial airline this week."

That's right. When Biden says "It's not that it's going to Mexico", he really means "what he would tell a family member who was considering air travel to Mexico".

In fact, all of Biden's utterances should probably be understood in this more discerning light of meaning the exact opposite of their content.

But this raises a quandary. Clearly, since we are given to understand that Obama is a genius, he would not have chosen a brainless twit to be his Vice President.

The obvious solution is that Al Gore had it slightly wrong. He really should have been hunting the Manbirdpig (otherwise known as Human Avian Swine Flu). And clearly, Biden knows how to catch it. I foresee an urgent press conference in the very near future.

But we try to encourage family-friendly fare here as well, and clearly the show referenced above cannot be in any way construed as such. Therefore, I offer a second explanation, possibly even more accurate and satisfying....

They're pinky and the brain, they're pinky and the brain... one is a genius, the other's insane.
To prove their liberal worth, they'll overthrow the earth
They're pinky, they're pinky and the brain, brain, brain, brain....


Friday, April 24, 2009

Our Digital September 11th

First, I would like to say that I have no intention for this to become a "Chinaphobic" blog.
While I do cover stories about China when they are of importance, I think it's obvious that indulging in paranoid speculation regarding the East in specific, and China in general, is foolish and often leads others to respond by committing the opposite, equally dangerous error.

If I cover stories on China much more often than stories about other nations, it is for two good reasons. The first is that I have spent some time in that part of the world, and thus know, though perhaps by only a small degree, more of what I am talking about when I address issues from that part of the world. (As an example, one statement I could make from an experiential standpoint is that Chinese people in general, as distinct from their government, are not our enemies at all.) The second is that it is becoming steadily more clear to even the most opaque observer that China has for a long been our rival (declared rival, even) for the world's foremost superpower status, and fully intends to replace us as such, first regionally, then globally.

I say rival, but perhaps the term is misleading. On a national administrative and foreign policy level, it seems quite clear that those of liberal persuasion loathe our status as superpower so intensely that they are practically begging China to take the position from us. They have even taken numerous steps to ensure that they are prepared to do so, from Clinton's military technology transfers to the accumulation and transfer of unprecedented levels of debt into the Chinese government's hands.

One lesson we have from history is that the cultures which apologize for their own existence always give way before the cultures which do not. So, given the situation that exists between our two nations, the self-hating superpower and the would-be superpower, it is probably safe to say that the balance of power will be shifting very soon.

But enough depressing analysis, let us look at the string of stories which inspired today's entry.
Some are recent, others are from the past few years yet remain ongoing situations that have not been dealt with.

The Joint Strike Fighter program. (!)
The Pentagon. (!!)
The Naval War College Network. (?)
The NYPD. (!?)
Our power grid. (!!!)

China also plans, in the event of war, to heavily utilize "cyber" warfare.

You should read the above link if nothing else, there are some very interesting facts buried beneath the alarmist nature of the article.

The Chinese tend to handle things pragmatically. They cannot go toe-to-toe with our carrier groups, and so they develop anti-ship missiles, and extensive hacking networks.
Meeting the F-35 in the air is deadly. Meeting it in cyberspace, not so much.

For the sake of accuracy, I will mention that the Chinese government hotly denies all connection with the intrusions. Which of course, neither adds nor takes away anything from the situation, since that is what they would say whether or not they were involved.

I will say, that the Chinese are a convenient foe to blame every incident on.
Though in many cases, the attacks were traced back to China, the MSM have taken to automatically blaming Chinese hackers for every incident. (though the power grid report does mention that Russian hackers may also be responsible)

In some classes I have taken, they taught us that it's common for hackers in one area to route their attacks through another area. So these attacks may not all be originating from where they appear to be, and those tracing them may be tempted to stop at China when the trail leads farther back.

However, there is both direct and circumstantial evidence that the majority of these attacks are China-based. China has both the means and the incentive to perpetrate this kind of assault in the very high numbers we are seeing. There are also Chinese hackers claiming responsibility for some of the incidents.*

For years before the Sept. 11 attacks, radical Islamists were at war with us. Even through the first attempted bombing of the WTC, and the attack on the U.S.S. Cole, this fact was denied or minimized by the government.

What will it take for the government to acknowledge the ongoing cyber war with China?
What form will a digital Sept 11th take? The crash of our banking networks?
Using our power grid networks to turn off the lights?

We are currently putting up not even a token resistance; we are in essence being pillaged, outrageously expensive programs and highly sensitive information being compromised and taken with no repercussions.

If the US does not respond realistically, quickly, and practically, our national security will be even more gravely compromised, and lives will be lost as a result.


*- Yes, we link to CNN too, even though we suspect that we, like the tea parties, might be perceived by certain biased media sources to be "right-wing extremists" and "anti-CNN"...

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Beginning of the End

So many stories today... but one must be chosen, and the winner will be a continuation on a theme I am, perhaps morbidly, interested in pursuing.

It has long been my assertion that ideologies which are untrue, that fly in the face of reality, only work at best for a short time, and then proceed to destroy themselves. That is to say, false worldviews are inherently nihilistic. The massive numbers of deaths in any communist regime would be an extreme example, the current cultural annihilation of post-Christian, socialist Europe in the face of Islam would be another.

One thinks of Kipling's poem, "The Gods of the copybook headings".
For those of you unfamiliar with it, I highly recommend it.

Now for one of the most recent examples:
GM will be shutting most of its US plants for 9 months this summer.

"General Motors Corp. is planning to temporarily close most of its U.S. factories for up to nine weeks this summer because of slumping sales and growing inventories of unsold vehicles, three people briefed on the plan said Wednesday. Analysts say the company could be seeing sales decline because of talk about a potential bankruptcy."

Wait, I thought the magical bailouts were supposed to prevent this.
Or perhaps throwing tax dollars onto an economic bonfire is not the best way to extinguish it?

Can you hear the sand in the hourglass?

We have elected those who despise earned wealth, and those who have earned it, and believe that money is theirs to make, claim, and redistribute at will. They do not understand how a nation's wealth is founded, nor do they overly care. They will simply redistribute (holding some back for themselves, of course) wealth until all wealth is gone, all the while blaming producers for failing to produce enough for everyone to share. (and the misguided populace will then attack the producers. Witness the anti-capitalist demonstrations at the G20 conference.)

Obama and his backers are leading the charge of those who wish to saw through the branches upon which they sit, on the grounds that no tree should be taller than any others.


Saturday, April 18, 2009

So "Conservative," it's working its way toward absolute liberalism.

Long title, I know. Bear with me.

If you would ask any of the local leaders (around North AL) if they consider themselves to be "free market conservatives," I am pretty sure most would say "yes."

However, we have many local laws banning the sale of alcohol on Sundays.
Quite honestly, I view alcohol as a "vile drink that turns even the most respectable men into complete scoundrels"(kudos if you caught the reference, albeit an easy one), but I don't think government regulation over the marketing and sell of any goods at any time should be allowed.

Do lawmakers (and local town Baptists) believe that regulating alcohol on Sunday prevents people from drinking on Sunday? If people want alcohol on Sunday, they can drive to another town (effectively spending a nice sales tax to another city and county) on Sunday or stock up on Saturday.

To balance the ridiculousness of the ban, let me raise a question.
Are the Sunday Protestants being slightly discriminatory with their choice of banning Sunday sales? Afterall, the Sabbath of our Seventh-Day Adventist and Jewish citizens begins Friday at sundown. If we're going to ban alcohol sales, let's at least be consistent.

Just in case some of these legislators are reading this blog,I'll put it into tinier words and an easier analogy for them--with something "less controversial" than something like alcohol (which Jesus drank, by the way. People tend to forget that Jesus didn't take a shot of Welch's out of a tiny plastic cup with his penny-sized cracker.)
If people want to buy, oh let's say...gum.
Yes, people go to the store to buy gum. Lawmakers decide that people are spitting too much gum on the sidewalks, so they decide to regulate the sale of gum on...Wednesdays. Will banning the sale of gum effectively reduce the gum consumption? My guess They can go Thursday - Tuesday to pick up their gum. In fact, they can buy as much gum as they want and spit it wherever they want. They can even, therefore, chew their gum on Wednesday. And consume too much gum. And fill sidewalks with it.

These local laws are regressive and, quite frankly, stupid.

Athens Tea Party

So, I unexpectedly had the chance to attend yet another tea party in the area, this time in Athens Alabama.

I didn't have my camera with me, so I will put up another post later with pictures off my phone.

For those of you not familiar with the area, Athens is a small town, about 23,000 people.
I wasn't expecting much, perhaps 50-100 people. But it seems that the word is getting out better these days. About 300 people showed up, by my estimation. And if everyone who honked and shouted in support as they passed had parked and joined us, we could easily have matched the Huntsville event.

Will Anderson, an area radio personality, led the proceedings.
Christie, the young lady who organized the Huntsville event, showed up as well, and was given a very well-deserved round of applause.

We also heard from a Marine veteran who had recently seen combat in Iraq, been injured several times, and brought back an elaborate dagger from one of Saddam's palaces.

It was encouraging to see more people show up on shorter notice this time. Perhaps the necessary organization is beginning to be set in place. That by itself would be a positive outcome of the tea party movement. Conservatives aren't used to protesting, but we all may be forced to become rather skilled at it in the coming days.

Pictures and more information to come.


Friday, April 17, 2009

Huntsville Alabama Tax Day Tea Party - Part II

First, some number crunching, for anyone who likes numbers.

The final attendance estimates I'm getting for the Huntsville, AL event were about 2300-2500.

For comparison purposes, that's about 1.4% of the city of Huntsville's population, though many participants came from the surrounding area rather than Huntsville proper.

Pajamas TV is estimating total turnout for the nationwide protests at over 578,000 people.
For Alabama, total participation was estimated at about 12,000.

So a slightly better than proportional turnout, since Alabama represents 1.6% of the nation's population, and contributed 2% of the tea party attendance with 18 events.
(New York, by comparison, with 6.5% of the nation's population, contributed just 3.3% of the total event attendance, with 33 events, while Texas, with 8.2% of the the nation's population, contributed 12.4% of the total event attendance, with 78 events. But more on Texas later.)

Note: They estimated Huntsville's attendance numbers at 3000, about 500 more than police estimates, so some optimistic rounding up may have occurred. However, by the same token, many events may have been low-balled by official counts, depending on the politics involved, so it's really hard to say.

In any case, at least half a million Americans showed up on April 15th to make their voices heard, many for the first time in their lives.

High-level reactions to the events were varied, including:
Crude and sophomoric
Hypothetically Seccessionary

CNN and MSNBC showed their true colors as crude, sarcastic, out-of-touch elites who neither have any idea of what they are talking about, nor of what normal Americans think about anything.
FOX, meanwhile, was basically along for the ride, defaulting to be the only network that gave the events positive coverage, and earning massive rating boosts as a result.

Republicans generally tried to co-opt the events as supportive, but received mixed results.
Even in Alabama, where for conservatives the Republican party has for years now been seen as the force of good in Washington battling the evil Democrats, opportunistic Republican attempts to channel the events into support for their own campaigns foundered.

One of the more interesting moments at the Huntsville event was when a Republican candidate had been speaking about kicking the current group of politicians out of power (loud cheers), and then expressed his hope that everyone would support his upcoming reelection campaign. (a few weak cheers, deafening silence)

That gave me hope more than most other things I saw. Once people realize that it's not a question of a good party vs. a bad party, but of an entrenched, damaging bureaucracy in which two largely similar parties share power and unelected officials pull the important strings, we might see some effective action taken.

To all the Americans that took time out of their schedules and showed up on Wednesday, and especially to those for whom it was the first time, we salute you. You have earned the right to protest, by acting on your principles.

In a sense, you are learning what it truly means to be a self-governing American citizen, and it is in you that any hopes of stemming the dark tide of government encroachment remain.

Let us draw together in the days ahead, for in the words of Benjamin Franklin:
"We must all hang together, gentlemen... else, we shall most assuredly hang separately"


Thursday, April 16, 2009

Ashamed of Christ

Though Obama has claimed to be a Christian, it seems that his actions dictate otherwise.
We cannot know what is in a man's soul, so I will not go so far as to say that he is not.
But we can only judge a man's belief by its fruits, in other words, his actions.

So let us take as an example Obama's recent speech at Georgetown University, in which the name of Christ, or rather a symbolic monogram representing His name, was covered up by request of Obama's team.

Amidst all of the American flags and presidential seals, there was something missing when President Barack Obama gave an economic speech at Georgetown University this week -- Jesus.

The White House asked Georgetown to cover a monogram symbolizing Jesus' name in Gaston Hall, which Obama used for his speech, according to

The gold "IHS" monogram inscribed on a pediment in the hall was covered over by a piece of black-painted plywood, and remained covered over the next day, reported.

Most people who are not Catholic (the majority of Americans) would not even notice the symbol, nor associate the letters "IHS" with Christ. The exaggerated care taken by Obama's team seems to indicate that he wishes not even a remote association with his claimed savior.

As we have earlier seen, however, he does not seem to have an issue with bowing to Muslim leaders.

Though I dismissed earlier claims that he was a secret Muslim as conspiratorial, the evidence that he is at least more sympathetic towards that belief system than to his alleged Christian faith is beginning to mount.

You will note on this blog that I do capitalize the words Islam, Muslim, Allah, etc. I do not go out of my way to disrespect people by disrespecting their faith, even if I know that the God of my faith is the true One, and theirs is not. However, Obama's actions go beyond merely showing respect for people.

First there was his slip of the tongue naming the number of Islamic states instead of US states, then his slip of the tongue in referring to "my muslim faith", and most recently his bowing to a Muslim leader when no one else at the G20 did. All these things are rather suspect.

I don't know if they are all purely circumstancial and accidental or not, but I do know one thing...

"But now the LORD declares: 'Far be it from me! Those who honor me I will honor, but those who despise me will be disdained." -1 Samuel 2:30


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Huntsville Alabama Tax Day Tea Party - Part I

Today, all over America, concerned citizens gathered together to protest uncontrolled spending and general encroachment by Washington. I was present at the Huntsville, AL rally, and I can say that it was quite another thing from the small but lively band that gathered in Decatur. Even before I got off the highway, cars were backed up. People parked all along the street for over a mile down the road.

By the time I had walked to the event itself, there was already a crowd of probably three hundred. This grew steadily to a maximum of what I would guess to be around 800-1000 people. (estimated attendance will be forthcoming eventually, as some local media was present, but anything lower than 750 is an attempt to lowball the figure; the crowd was quite large and densely packed)

The speakers did mostly well. Dale Jackson was present, and of course did an excellent job getting everyone fired up. He and other speakers made numerous comments about our being "domestic terrorists", a reference to the DHS report featured in my previous entry below.

Things began to wind down when an interesting but longish discussion on the Fair Tax was plagued with technical difficulties. I am all for the Fair Tax, and for promoting it, but this was perhaps not the best venue to go into more than a brief summary.

However, everything got back on track, and ended with the recitation of the pledge of allegiance, and a rousing USA chant.

All in all, I was pleased to see the turnout, considering the unfortunately low attendance in Decatur previously. Alabama is not densely populated, so massive crowds tend to require attendance drawing from more than one county. Huntsville is something of a regional center for most of northern Alabama, however, and the event drew people from the surrounding areas. I recognized some people from that earlier Decatur rally as well.

It was a good day, and a good event. In the grand scheme of things, however, it must merely be the beginning of something greater to have any lasting effect.

I will post another article with more information soon, also hopefully with a link to some video of the event, and some commentary on the news coverage.

UPDATE: It turns out I am indeed a conservative, including when it comes to estimating crowds. Huntsville Police are estimating the crowd at 2300 people.

UPDATE 2: WHNT has a great picture of the Huntsville crowd from a better vantage point than I could reach. They also have a couple of pictures from the Dekalb county protest. More pictures may be forthcoming later.


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Warning: You might now be a domestic terrorist

Are you dedicated to opposing abortion or illegal immigration?
Do you support state and local government's authority versus that of the federal government?

Then congratulations, according to the DHS (Department of Homeland Security), you are a right-wing extremist, and possible terrorist threat!

A footnote attached to the report by the Homeland Security Office of Intelligence and Analysis defines "rightwing extremism in the United States" as including not just racist or hate groups, but also groups that reject federal authority in favor of state or local authority.

"It may include groups and individuals that are dedicated to a single-issue, such as opposition to abortion or immigration," the warning says.

The timing of this release is rather suspect, with the tea parties happening nation-wide tomorrow. It rather appears to be an attempt to dampen turnout.

Yes, this means our federal government is now actively prosecuting those who disagree with them, on a national level.

What did people expect? That when they gave liberals the power to enforce their doctrines, they would not then proceed to do so? It's very like electing a ski-lodge-burning eco-terrorist as President who repeatedly claims he believes the current human population is unsustainable and should be reduced immediately, then being shocked when he begins to seek practical means to do so.

The report continues, mentioning gun control and immigration issues:

Congressional debates about immigration and gun control also make extremist groups suspicious and give them a rallying cry, the report says.

"It is unclear if either bill will be passed into law; nonetheless, a correlation may exist between the potential passage of gun control legislation and increased hoarding of ammunition, weapons stockpiling, and paramilitary training activities among rightwing extremists," the report said.

Wait, so there might be a connection between moving to ban guns, and people wanting to acquire them beforehand? Brilliant!

The report also expressed worry that extremist groups would subvert and recruit returning veterans to their cause.

"As far as our military members go, I think that the military is a melting pot of society. So you might get a few, a fractional few, who are going to be attracted by militia groups and other right-wing extremists," he said.

"We have to remember that the people serving in our military are volunteers, they do it because they love their country, and they believe in what our country stands for," he said. "They spent their time in the military defending our Constitution, so the vast majority of them would be repulsed by the hate groups discussed in this report."

If they spent their time in the military in order to defend the Constitution, they might very well be tempted to join a group opposing the current administration, at least...

Now the important point is, while this report is speaking more of groups that currently pursue domestic terrorism and white supremacy organizations than of your average abortion-opposing NRA-member, what it does is blur the line between the two. This is the first step necessary to associate the latter, law-abiding citizen, with the former.

I think it's now become quite clear where things are headed. Liberal ideology states that those who know best, should make the decisions for those who do not. In their minds, they are the ones who know best, and the common people should sit back and let them create a better world for all of us. They are now taking steps within the government to ensure that they remain in permanent majority. (after all, you can't very well execute your long-term social agenda when you keep jumping in and out of power)

The farther they encroach on liberties (liberties being dangerous animals that let us make our own decisions about what to think and how to live our lives), the more people will get upset, and try to do something to stop them. That, of course, is when they must use force. It's not a question of you ever being allowed to have liberties, but of how easily you conform.

There are three responses to this. One is, to surrender. To let the government define "decent, law-abiding citizen" to mean whatever type of person will not oppose any of their actions, regardless of existing laws or the constitution, and then conform your actions to that standard.

Another is the passive-aggressive response. Let the government do what they want, don't raise a fuss, but continue to go about things your own way. I submit that this is comparable to surrender. To not resist is to encourage, and good men who see evil and yet do nothing to stop it are culpable in it as well.

Lastly, there is action. What kind of action? Well, that is what millions of Americans want to know. What can Americans who love their country, love their freedom, and yet who are also not the radicals DHS is accusing them of being, but rather respect the rule of law, do to stop this insanity?

For starters, you can attend your local tea party. Sure, you probably have a job, it's probably inconvenient to go, and there might be odd people there with silly signs, but do you think that by doing nothing, your life will continue as usual? The tea party movement may or may not have permanent effects, and alone, I suspect the net result will be insignificant. But they make an excellent first step, and a step in which numbers are crucial.

Writing your congressmen is another step. No, they won't change their mind based on your letter. But with enough letters, they may worry about being re-elected. And that will give them pause.

This DHS report is a sign of things to come. Or rather, things that are currently arriving.

How will you greet them? With fear, with indifference, or with action?


Saturday, April 11, 2009

He is Risen!

10Then the disciples went back to their homes, 11but Mary stood outside the tomb crying. As she wept, she bent over to look into the tomb 12and saw two angels in white, seated where Jesus' body had been, one at the head and the other at the foot.

13They asked her, "Woman, why are you crying?"

"They have taken my Lord away," she said, "and I don't know where they have put him." 14At this, she turned around and saw Jesus standing there, but she did not realize that it was Jesus.

15"Woman," he said, "why are you crying? Who is it you are looking for?"
Thinking he was the gardener, she said, "Sir, if you have carried him away, tell me where you have put him, and I will get him."

16Jesus said to her, "Mary."
She turned toward him and cried out in Aramaic, "Rabboni!" (which means Teacher).

17Jesus said, "Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet returned to the Father. Go instead to my brothers and tell them, 'I am returning to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.' "

18Mary Magdalene went to the disciples with the news: "I have seen the Lord!" And she told them that he had said these things to her.

-John 20:10-18

Wishing you all a joyful Resurrection Sunday from MC!


Friday, April 10, 2009

The "Post-Industrial" Economy - Eating Raccoon

An interesting sign of the times. The collapse of Detroit is apparently ongoing, the city having lost half its population. Wildlife are roaming the streets, and a canny blues guitarist is cooking up some barbecued raccoon.

While economic times are tough across Michigan as its people slog through a difficult and protracted deindustrialization, Beasley remains upbeat.

Where one man sees a vacant lot, Beasley sees a buffet.

"Starvation is cheap," he says as he prepares an afternoon lunch of barbecue coon and red pop at his west side home.

It's a fascinating story, and Beasley has some wisdom to share. The video is worth a viewing for his sake, though the host is annoying to the point of physical pain. Leaving aside the issue of raccoon hunting, however, my focus was immediately grabbed by the following portion of the article:

Hunting is prohibited within Detroit city limits and Beasley insists he does not do so. Still, he says that life in the city has gone so retrograde that he could easily feed himself with the wildlife in his backyard, which abuts an old cement factory.

He procures the coons with the help of the hound dogs who chase the animal up a tree, where Beasley harvests them with a .22 caliber rifle. A true outdoorsman, Beasley refuses to disclose his hunting grounds.

"This city is going back to the wild," he says. "That's bad for people but that's good for me. I can catch wild rabbit and pheasant and coon in my backyard."

Detroit was once home to nearly 2 million people but has shrunk to a population of perhaps less than 900,000. It is estimated that a city the size of San Francisco could fit neatly within its empty lots. As nature abhors a vacuum, wildlife has moved in.

A beaver was spotted recently in the Detroit River. Wild fox skulk the 15th hole at the Palmer Park golf course. There is bald eagle, hawk and falcon that roam the city skies. Wild Turkeys roam the grasses. A coyote was snared two years ago roaming the Federal Court House downtown. And Beasley keeps a gaze of skinned coon in the freezer.

So this is the future? Correction: This is the present. Yes, this is really happening to what was formerly a booming industrial metropolis, and important American city. Right now.

America is stifled by labor unions, sending our factories overseas, and not replacing them with anything. The workers don't suddenly become skilled service-based or high-tech producers, they just fade into whatever jobs are available. And the cities carved decades or centuries ago out of the wilderness begin to return. Meanwhile, out-of-touch politicians contrive "green economy" schemes in which shackling industry and business with oppressive environmental legislation is somehow supposed to produce more money magically. Perhaps the raccoons are going to subsidize them.


Wednesday, April 08, 2009

In a handbasket, part I

Respected readers,

Due to the plethora of near-apocalyptic news being circulated on a daily basis, we could cover this kind of story in every single posting here, and still not come close to total coverage.

However, despite the ongoing chaos and upheaval of current world power structures, for most of us, life continues more or less as usual. I do firmly expect the madness at the higher levels of our government and other world governments to trickle down and cause problems for us in the near future, which is one of the reasons that I urge you all to find ways to let your voices be heard and push back against Washington's encroachment into every sector of public life.

But, this kind of thing can be exhausting to read. I know it's exhausting to write about.
So, I have decided that I will start a once-or-twice weekly article series called "In a handbasket".

In these articles, I will link to and briefly describe several stories that describe how idiots in positions of leadership are bringing about the apocalypse. Thus, I can bring these stories to your attention, but not focus on them to the point that this becomes one of those blogs you feel you need to be wearing tinfoil on your head to read.

That being said, we will move on to today's stories:

1. Environmental Apocalypse: Obama looks into climate engineering.

WASHINGTON (AP) - The president's new science adviser said Wednesday that global warming is so dire, the Obama administration is discussing radical technologies to cool Earth's air.

John Holdren told The Associated Press in his first interview since being confirmed last month that the idea of geoengineering the climate is being discussed. One such extreme option includes shooting pollution particles into the upper atmosphere to reflect the sun's rays. Holdren said such an experimental measure would only be used as a last resort.

"It's got to be looked at," he said. "We don't have the luxury of taking any approach off the table."

Aka, screwing with a system we don't understand, to the point that we might actually succeed in damaging it beyond repair, unlike previous paltry contributions such as anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions. Shooting pollution particles into the upper atmosphere to reflect the sun's rays would be a stupid idea almost to the level of trying to change our orbit around the sun.

2. Economic Apocalypse
(aka, John Galt-ian Apocalypse): The French want to lock up their bosses.

"Sarkozy's government is worried that locking up bosses could presage greater violence as the sense of injustice grows with rising unemployment. François Fillon, the Prime Minister, says that he will not tolerate more "hostage taking".

But in France, there is violence and violence, as all students of history know. Two years ago exactly, a certain presidential candidate took the side of angry fishermen who had smashed up their port. "When you resort to violence it is because you are desperate, because you feel condemned to economic death," he told them. "I will never put the anger of fishermen who do not want to die on the same level as the gratuitous violence of thugs." That was N. Sarkozy" [emphasis as in the original article]

In Atlas Shrugged, Ayn Rand has the world grinding to a halt as those who consume begin to turn on those who produce, first via social and legislative persecution, then finally with organized violence. (Meanwhile, the last producers begin to purposefully withdraw themselves as an act of moral principle) Amusingly, she underestimated how long it would take for the violence to begin, a la G20.

3. Apocalypse by using "Death Star lasers" to recreate a miniature sun

The National Ignition Facility has already test-fired all 192 giant lasers at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California as part of this effort. The lasers will eventually focus their power on compressing and heating a single, pea-sized fuel capsule to more than 180 million degrees Fahrenheit in order to trigger thermonuclear fusion.

Ironically, it appears this last one is by far the safest... though somehow it seems like it will take a while for said fusion to provide enough low cost energy to reimburse the cost of 192 giant lasers and assembly of a special massive test chamber.
But hey, nearly free energy would fix the economy, massively reduce world poverty, and provide the opportunity for an unprecedented expansion in personal freedom.
Which is why it will never, ever be allowed to happen.

So, there's your apocalyptic stories for today, tune in next time to see if Al Gore has invented Skynet.


Monday, April 06, 2009

Das Cavutor

In which Neil Cavuto loses his temper...

I rarely watch news on TV anymore, but I enjoy Neil's segments when I come across them.
I don't know anything about him beyond what I see on TV, of course, but he seems to be an honest man who genuinely loves America and generally does an excellent job.

Given his normal demeanor, it was somewhat amusing to see him lose his temper.
Under the circumstances, however, I would probably have done the same.
The subject is infuriating, and having someone talk in very small circles because they refuse to give you a straight answer is maddening.

Watch and enjoy. (apologies for the poor video quality)


Friday, April 03, 2009

The Face of Evil

This is it.

"Abortion is not a tragedy"

Read it, if you have ever wondered how someone can possibly justify the practice.
(not that this ugly farce is anything like justification, but it's the pretense they hide behind)

"'This was a desired pregnancy -- she'd been getting prenatal care -- but they re-evaluated expenses and decided not to continue,' said Dr. Pratima Gupta. 'When I was doing the options counseling, she interrupted me halfway through, crying, and said, 'Dr. Gupta, I just walked here for an hour. I'm sure of my decision.''

One hour? Yes, that's definitely proof you are justified in making a decision to terminate a life.
All that walking.
But it gets much worse.

"Feeding and raising children is expensive. Tuition may be free at public schools but there are still books, transportation, food, clothes, medical care and activities that add up -- way up. One may assume this family of five is struggling just to maintain its basics: housing and food. Add one more child and those costs rise as income drops. It's no tragedy: it's a good decision."

You can read the rest yourself. This is the crud they feed poor, frightened mothers who come in not knowing what to do. It's not a life to them, it's an economic practicality.

I posted back in January about Nancy Pelosi saying much the same thing, in her proposal to direct a large sum in the stimulus package towards abortion services.

It's the same message, the same lies, the same posturing.
Who will speak for the innocent lives who can't speak for themselves?
Obama even repeatedly refused to support bills which would have declared babies born alive as survivors of induced labor abortions to be persons entitled to rights.
Yes, even if they are born and survive, they still get killed. That is called infanticide.
That man, if you can refer to a human holding such a position as a man, has been elected our president, and is now nationalizing our economy.
But hey, did you see the news lately? His wife has style.


Wednesday, April 01, 2009

The Taliban gets it right, for once

An interesting story; evidently our esteemed Secretary of State Hillary Clinton demonstrated to an international conference that she does not understand the mind of men of conviction.

"U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told an international conference on Afghanistan on Tuesday that those members of the Taliban who abandoned extremism must be granted an "honorable form of reconciliation."

The Taliban's response was swift.

"They have to go and find the moderate Taliban, their leader and speak to them. This is a lunatic idea," Mujahid said by telephone from an unknown location.

"There is no other way. We want our freedom and respect for our independence," Mujahid said.

See, Hillary is a unprincipled pragmatist, and doubtless views the offer of "reconciliation" -a return to that global village that is seemingly required for such things as raising children, perhaps- as something profitable, which only requires the public swapping of a few privately held convictions, something which she does on a daily basis. It's a win-win, right?

But this is why we cannot find victory in Afghanistan. We do not understand our opponents. These are not men who change their principles as they change their garments. They will fight, and die, for what they believe in. Our current administration, by contrast, uses principles as talking points to buy favor, while fully embracing a post-modern view that there are no absolutes.

Well, here is an absolute for you. The Taliban are wrong, their views and actions contain much that is evil, and they are also not going away until you destroy them or re-educate succeeding generations and wait for the older ones to die out. Islam does a fairly comprehensive job of shaping the worldview of each generation of adherents, by the way, so don't count on "winning hearts and minds" on a large scale basis among the hardcore Islamists in the south of Afghanistan.

In Sun Tzu's incomparable Art of War, the writer states:

"If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle."

We (or those at the top of the decision-making process: unprincipled bureaucrats) clearly do not understand our enemy, men of courage and principle. Our leaders clearly do not understand themselves, as the angst, doubt, and guilt-ridden liberal psyche so painfully reveals. There is therefore no means of victory, until men of iron-clad convictions lead the way.

Bush, for all our disagreements with him, was clearly a man of convictions. He was a leader that our enemy could truly hate, as their declared foe, and one that could secure victory over them. Unless Obama abandons his teleprompter, learns to love that which is true over that which is convenient, and finds a spine, he will be to our enemies merely an object of contempt.

Perhaps he should consult that bust of Churchill, which he snubbed the Brits by returning, to find out what sort of thing a leader is.
