Friday, April 03, 2009

The Face of Evil

This is it.

"Abortion is not a tragedy"

Read it, if you have ever wondered how someone can possibly justify the practice.
(not that this ugly farce is anything like justification, but it's the pretense they hide behind)

"'This was a desired pregnancy -- she'd been getting prenatal care -- but they re-evaluated expenses and decided not to continue,' said Dr. Pratima Gupta. 'When I was doing the options counseling, she interrupted me halfway through, crying, and said, 'Dr. Gupta, I just walked here for an hour. I'm sure of my decision.''

One hour? Yes, that's definitely proof you are justified in making a decision to terminate a life.
All that walking.
But it gets much worse.

"Feeding and raising children is expensive. Tuition may be free at public schools but there are still books, transportation, food, clothes, medical care and activities that add up -- way up. One may assume this family of five is struggling just to maintain its basics: housing and food. Add one more child and those costs rise as income drops. It's no tragedy: it's a good decision."

You can read the rest yourself. This is the crud they feed poor, frightened mothers who come in not knowing what to do. It's not a life to them, it's an economic practicality.

I posted back in January about Nancy Pelosi saying much the same thing, in her proposal to direct a large sum in the stimulus package towards abortion services.

It's the same message, the same lies, the same posturing.
Who will speak for the innocent lives who can't speak for themselves?
Obama even repeatedly refused to support bills which would have declared babies born alive as survivors of induced labor abortions to be persons entitled to rights.
Yes, even if they are born and survive, they still get killed. That is called infanticide.
That man, if you can refer to a human holding such a position as a man, has been elected our president, and is now nationalizing our economy.
But hey, did you see the news lately? His wife has style.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You know, if every pregnancy was evaluated purely on an economic basis, we all would be aborted.

Having children is not, in our society, a sound economic decision. Fortunately, having children is not an economic function.

And, thank goodness for our parents who didn't subscribe to that theory. If only the abortionists could have the ethics their parents did...